Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Sneak peek at Barguments the Book

Big news from the publishing front., the Simon & Schuster website, sent out its first Barguments e-mail alert. I signed up for a Barguments alert the moment they posted the book's cover on the site way back in June, but this is the first time they actually had anything to update.

The news: they added a description under the book. It reads:

If you could marry into any family, which would you choose?
Who talks about
sex more: men or women?
Is it harder to be a pitcher or a running back?
Name the best television theme song of all time.
Who would win in a war:
Texas or California?
These are just a few of the entertaining,
endlessly debate-worthy questions in Barguments. Spanning the
full spectrum of
life's crucial topics -- sports, television, food, music,
sex, and, of course,
drink -- Barguments is the perfect addition to anywhere
friends, colleagues, or
strangers gather with a little time and plenty of
opinions to share.

Not sure they're the best gems in the book, but they give you a pretty good idea of what you're getting for your $9.99.

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