Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Advocating for Barguments

A friend of a friend gave Barguments a very helpful plug yesterday on the vital website, beeradvocate.com.

On the site's message board, Josh wrote:

My old roomate's, college buddy wrote this book about Barguments.Check it out, pretty funny stuff: http://www.barguments.com/

And the Beer Advocates did. Traffic shot up all day. And finally, the site discovered its target demographic. Among the responses to Josh's post:

Just spent 45 min's on the site; nice. -- gkatsoris

really addictive! -- Mr. Turtlehead

Just answered all the questions -- need more! -- Saltylime

Don't worry, Saltylime. Three new barguments were added to the site last night. Including one that I love but which seems headed to being one of the least popular on the site. It's the ringtone one. Check it out.


Johnny Scrappleseed said...

Is Beer Advocate the site that ranks just about every beer known to exist for sale around the globe? One of these master beer sites ranked Corona Lite as the world's worst beer, with Bud Light in the bottom five -- out of thousands. I would heartily concur with the latter.

Good publicity! (Now if only you could coax some bloggers back ...)

Coconut Grove Sailing Club said...

If Bud Lite was on the bottom, where was Miller Lite? Because more people seem to like Bud Lite than Miller Lite. I may have to reject BeerAdvocate.com's support if they're saying bad things about ML.

Johnny Scrappleseed said...


Miller Lite is at least not on the first page... and it is vastly superior to Bud Light. Neither, however, are worth a nickel. If you're going cheap, why not grab a Miller High Life?

Michael Valliant said...

I like the ringtone bargument. For work, meetings, etc., you almost have to go with Star Trek. Sure it's dorky, but it is almost like a generic ringtone. No self-respecting dude can have a Justin Timberlake ringtone. Unless they look as burly as Johnny Scrappleseed...