Monday, April 28, 2008

Why there's so much wire copy in newspapers

As deadline neared Friday at The Miami Herald, two fellow business reporters gathered around my desk and offered two new barguments.

Scott, who covers the economy, offered this one: What cocktail can a guy order and not look like an ass? (My wording.) Pretty easy to come up with some strike-worthy drinks: cosmopolitan, Long Island iced tea. But where does margarita fall?

Our small business reporter, Jim, came up with one: If you were traveling back in time 100 years, which invention would you bring with you? (Remember: there are no gas stations or electric outlets in 1904.)


Johnny Scrappleseed said...

I'm going with the Dark'n'Stormy and the Thighmaster.

Michael Valliant said...

Suzanne Sommers and former Schooners Llanding bartender Greg Christie would each be very proud of you right now, Johnny S., if they were reading this blog.

Coconut Grove Sailing Club said...

Only Valliant would know Greg's last name at this point.

Anonymous said...

Steel trap, Hanks, steel trap. I am still afraid what I might have told Valliant in 7th grade will be thrown back in my face 20 years from now...
