Thursday, April 3, 2008

Reduce. Reuse. Bargue.

I don't think anyone has doubted barguments' ability to prompt social change, but even I was surprised to see the National Resources Defense Council endorse Barguments as a key part of the anti-global warming movement.

A blog on the NRDC site by Rob Perks recommends Barguments, and seems to hint that Benjamin Franklin would too. From Rob's blog:

I’m a firm believer in Ben Franklin’s maxim: “Beer is living proof
that God loves us and wants us to be happy.” And I enjoy a lively debate as much
as anyone. So what do you get when you mix beer and arguments? Bar brawls maybe,
but I'm talking about a brilliant cocktail known as a “bargument.”
cheeky buzzword – defined by the
Urban Dictionary as “a debate on any subject
which takes place in a bar and is primarily caused by just the right amount of
booze” – is the subject of a clever new book, appropriately titled
Barguments. Who wouldn’t enjoy downing a couple-three micro-brews and pondering
such age-old questions as:
“Who wins a fight between a Tyrannosaurus Rex and
five angry Grizzly Bears?” (T-Rex)
“Could John and Ponch arrest the Duke
boys?” (Nope)
“Best ‘brothers’ band of all-time?” (Allman)

He then asks readers to start a bargument over global warming. And one did, asking:

What's the least carbon-intensive beer container - keg, bottle or can?

This technically violates the Barguments Rules on at least two fronts. For one, it's a buzz kill. (Global warming sort of brings you down.) Second, there probably is a right answer that could be proven mathematically.

On the other hand, I am very interested in Barguments getting a piece of the $300 million global warming campaign recently launched by Al Gore. So I posted it.

Whatever your answer, try not to feel guilty the next time you order a draft or pick up a six-pack.

(Postcript: The blog reader, JG3000, offered another bargument I'll be stealing for Who wins in a fight between a great white shark and a crocodile in an environment that favors neither animal?)


Johnny Scrappleseed said...

Throw a hippo up in 'dere and you've got yourself a bargument. I saw a documentary the other night with a 3,500-pound croc that takes down adult zebras no problem. But he's still afraid of a hippo. As for the great white, how is either hippo or croc going to bite it?

Coconut Grove Sailing Club said...

I think a crocodile could bite a shark. Whose hide is tougher: a croc or a shark?

Johnny Scrappleseed said...

A croc's skin is tougher but he's less agile; plus a large shark has some really girthy bits. I'm thinking unless it's really shallow water that croc is going to have a hard time pinning sharky down.