Monday, March 24, 2008

Barguments article

Ryan Cormier, the pop writer at the News Journal in Wilmington, Del., wrote a well-reported article about Barguments. Granted, the reporting involved him going to bars. But good reporting nonetheless. He does both Barguments and bars justice in the story.

You can read it here.

For the story, he had asked me my answers on a few barguments, including "Name the three best guitar players in history." I'm glad he didn't print the answers, because my response was lame: Jerry Garcia (easy), Jimi Hendrix (lame) and Eric Clapton (lamer).

I just write the questions. I don't come up with smart answers.

But since we're asking, what IS the answer to that one?

(UPDATE: I just saw the sidebar in which Ryan DID publish my answers. I'll never show my face in Delaware again.)


Michael Valliant said...

Garcia isn't in the same ballpark with Hendrix, Clapton, or Jimmy Page ;)

Clearly a debate that could go on for centuries. A worthy bargument. Unlike the pan flute, where even television knows there is a clear master: Zamphere.

Coconut Grove Sailing Club said...

Jerry could give all three of those guys lessons and in fact probably already has for Jimi.

Johnny Scrappleseed said...

"5. When are you too old to do a beer bong?

(HANKS): "The answer to that needs to be 26. Or 27 if you're at a tailgate."

Just for that I'm going to find and keep a beer bong in my trunk. The next time I see you, you're doing one or three.

Coconut Grove Sailing Club said...

Oh, I'll do one, of course. But I'll admit that I'm much to old to be doing one. New bargument: When are you too old to do a keg stand. (Or, thinking back to one of Eric's Christmas parties in the Gut Hut, too fat and tall to do one?)