Thursday, March 20, 2008

To be sure you're right, test your answer

Here are some barguments submitted during the big Barguments Happy Hour in Oxford last weekend.

If you could sleep with one of your spouse's best friends without anyone ever knowing, who would it be?

Which liquor is the worst to throw up? (from my cousin, Peter Hanks)

The bar at your wedding can only stock five liquors and three beers. Which ones do you want?

And, finally, a wholesome bargument from KC Bridges: Which is the better Girl Scout cookie: Thin Mints or Samoas?


Anonymous said...


Tom Farmar said...

I believe I shared my thoughts on the the open bar question that night, but just in case I was slurring my response here it is.

There are only five logical liquors possible; Gin, Vodka, Tequila, Whiskey and Rum. Someone might say, "what about after dinner drinks", to that I say, "you still have 3 beers."

Matt has an inresting bargument, one with NCAA Tournament roots. Who would win a fight, a Bruin or a Jayhawk? Matt likes the bear's chances...

Coconut Grove Sailing Club said...

Farmar-- you've got to name specific liquors and beers. Absolut or Stolichnaya? Jim Beam or Jack Daniels?

Johnny Scrappleseed said...

Luksosowa vodka, Bulleit bourboun, Barbancourt rum (for lighter drinks) and Goslings (for Dark'n'Stormies) and Hendricks gin. Someone can smuggle in the tequila and Kiwi Lemon Mad Dog.

For beer, you have to please all tastes in three choices and not frighten away the masses with some rare label you might enjoy but Bucky from Whitman would call "weird beer." So for practicality I'm saying Guinness, either Yuengling or Newcastle -- and of course a giant overfilled horse trough of 10-oz. Bud.

Thin mints top those cloying, caramel-coconut dental assassins hands-down. You can eat an entire sleeve of thin mints during a commercial break. Can you say the same about samoas?

Coconut Grove Sailing Club said...

Chocolate tastes funny with Thin Mints.