Wednesday, January 30, 2008

I should be in the shower right now, starting the first phase of my official work day. Instead, I just gave a thumbs-up vote to the definition of "bargument" I submitted to in October. There are seven thumbs up votes, and I probably contributed five of them.

This exercise demonstrates the uphill battle to be popular on the web. Things either catch fire or they do not. The definition for "choreplay,'' for instance, has nearly 900 thumb votes (mostly up).
Why is this on my mind today? I'm writing the final check to my web guy for It's too big a check to only have that site read by family members, coworkers and drinking buddies past and present. Do your part and make it a sensation. (Note: the site is not quite ready for an official launch yet, so that's why there's no link. So don't peek.)

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