Thursday, January 3, 2008

Tabloid Debut

As stated below, The New York Post jumped the release gun and printed a very clever story on a Barguments outing they did recently in Brooklyn and Manhattan. Definitely did the Barguments movement proud.

And the bargoers they found for the barguments -- they each deserve some ink in the sequel. See the screen capture of the photo spread above. Also, click here.
Staff writer Mandy Stadtmiller headed out to two great bars --- Freddy's in Brooklyn and Spitzer's Corner in Mannhattan -- with the advance review copy and posed some barguments to patrons there. Each duo hashed out the challenge, then Stadtmiller declared a winner.
My favorite -- the photographic confrontation between the Lion and the Bear in the Post's rendition of Bargument No. 1, "Who would win in a fight between a lion and a bear?"
Good stuff, New York! Brilliant answers. Only one obscenity. No obvious signs of intoxication (save the choice of "The Natural" for best sports movie of all time). Be sure to check back at Freddy's and Spitzer's Corner in March and ask for their signed copies of Barguments. They will get them as soon as I get my hands on the finished books.
[UPDATE: I just noticed that on the web version of the NY Post story, Mandy included some extra barguments. I'm pasting that passage, which ended the online article, here for posterity's sake:
Other questions from "Barguments" include these hot topics:
If you had to sleep with every member of a band, which group would get lucky?
You're in the water. Would you rather see an alligator or a shark?
With a million dollars at stake, would you rather shoot a free throw or flip a coin?
Who would win a war: Texas or California?
Which would you rather give up for six months: sex or alcohol?
Of all the U.S. presidents, who would make the best drinking buddy?
How many dates can pass before it's awkward not to have had sex?
Televisions will be restricted to only three channels. Pick them.
If you could collect royalties from any single invention, which would you choose?
Would you rather get a 20 percent raise or work a four-day week? ]

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