Saturday, January 12, 2008

Team Barguments

Here are some photos from a recent Barguments outing I had with fellow Miami Herald reporters Jim Wyss and Bridget (B.C.) Carey in South Beach. Jim filmed me asking barguments to people for a video that hopefully will run on a Herald website.

Question No. 1: Jacket: too much?

These were people (above) on Lincoln Road. They agreed with each other on every bargument. Not what we're looking for.

Who looks goofier?

These guys were drinking beers on Lincoln Road, so we had to stop. Fairly fun group. They kept pulling in their friends from nearby to answer the questions.

These were our first stars. Two couples from Wisconsin having drinks at Finnegan's Way on Ocean Drive. (Thank you, Troy at Finnegan's, for letting us barge in and film.) They were grabbing the microphone, singing, and kept asking for more barguments. Still, I don't think they got into any big debates over them. Compatibility is the enemy of a good Barguments video.

By my scorecard, these guys were the best. Disagreed on quite a few barguments, threw out some obnoxious comments in their responses, the guy on the right kept threatening to break my face (his words) if I put him on camera. After we filmed them, I left the review copy of the book with them while Team Barguments had a round. That's when the barguing really started-- the three of them were pointing fingers and shouting as the guy on the left went through the book.

Big thanks to Jim and Bridget, who volunteered for the mission.

[Bonus footage: Here's a picture of a cocktail napkin at our table. Bridget is so freakily obsessed with Disney World, she's learned to copy Walt Disney's signature...]

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