Thursday, January 10, 2008


I've been seeing barguments everywhere, lately. The most recent: a website by the National Beer Wholesalers Association asking this question:

Of all the current presidential candidates, who would you most want to have a beer with?

This is very similar to a bargument from the book: Of all the U.S. presidents, who would make the best drinking buddy? I vote for FDR -- makes good martinis, likes to tell stories. Lots of people say Clinton, even though he's not a drinker,

What's funny is Hillary Clinton raised this matter in the Saturday New Hampshire debate, but in a derisive way -- suggesting Americans elected George W. because he seemed likeable enough -- someone you'd want to have a beer with, she said.

Anyway, who knew barguments could be so topical? You could vote on this poll at the beer wholesalers' site, but why when I have a similar poll nearby? I've narrowed it down to the top contenders.


Anonymous said...

Warren Harding was a sputtering drunk who did nothing but party from what I can gather. And Andrew Jackson -- Kentuckians crashed the White House for weeks after his inauguration, passing out drunk all over the place.

Jackson was the kind of guy you have a few gallons of applejack with and before you know it you're massacring folk.

Coconut Grove Sailing Club said...

Let's not forget Grant-- drinking whiskey on his porch until he passed out. Didn't stop him from serving two terms, so he could handle his booze well enough.